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Let us introduce you to 3D Freedom!
We are a global online ministry driven by a single passion: To see people experience Freedom in Jesus Christ. That freedom includes deliverance from sin and bondage, discipleship—which is a fancy ‘D’ word that means we want to see you completely transformed and growing in your faith so you can experience your destiny as a son or daughter of King Jesus!
That’s 3D Freedom!
Let’s get social
While we hope you find our website helpful, we want to invite you to Freedom on Social. You could call our Facebook Page our “Digital Home Base.” Here we post lots of great content including sermons, podcasts, music, videos, and so much more. Check it out:
Be sure to follow and turn on notifications so you don’t miss a beat!
And even more Social
Ready to dig deeper? Desiring to build a greater understanding of God’s Word? Check out our “Daily Devotional Group” a dynamic online space for learning, sharing, and growing. This is where some of our best “Discipleship” happens.
You aren’t meant to be alone in your faith journey!
Get active in our “Community Group” and be prepared to be uplifted by people from all over the world. It’s our space for connecting, encouraging, and praying for each other. Powerful prayer work is done here!
Gather for Church Online
Freedom Church Online
Weekly via Zoom
Monday at 12pm AST
Next Meeting in...
Need to talk to a pastor?
Email jodi@freedomministries.ca or WhatsApp 902.447.2539